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Want to stay up to date with OBL? Follow us...

If there is one thing we have learnt about life on the road it is that updating websites and blogs is not always that easy!

Between dodgey or non-existent internet connections, to the sheer cost of uploads and data when you do happen to stumble across a town that has great coverage; and then of course the desire to spend your time enjoying our family time and ever-changing surroundings rather than staring at a computer screen, it is fair to say that we have not managed to keep our website as up-to-date as we would have liked.

That said, we are able to keep all our family, friends and interested followers updated quickly and easily on our social media pages. So for more frequent updates about where were are as well as photos and videos from our travels make sure you follow us on Facebook, Instagram and check out our videos on YouTube - follow these links:

Facebook: @ourbiglap2017 Instagram: @ourbiglap

YouTube: Our Big Lap

We will continue adding posts and updates to our website when we can, with complete updates once we get back home and back to the land of unlimited data and high speed internet!

As always, feel free to send us an email or message via our website if you have any questions about OUR BIG LAP!




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